Thursday, 3 January 2013

Favourite Literary Quote of the Day: Life of Pi

'There is Brahman, the world soul, the sustaining frame upon which is woven, warp and weft, the cloth of being, with all its decorative elements of space and time. There is Brahman nirguna, without qualities which lies beyond understanding, beyond descriptions, beyond approach; with our poor words we sew a suit for it - One, Truth, Unity, Absolute, Ultimate Reality, Ground of Being - and try to make it fit, but Brahman nirguna always bursts the seams. We are left speechless. But there is also Brahman saguna, with qualities, where the suit fits. Now we call it Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Ganesha; we can approach it with some understanding; we can discern certain attributes - loving, merciful, frightening - and we feel the gentle pull of relationship. Brahman saguna is Brahman made manifest to our limited sense...'

Yann Martel 2001, Life of Pi.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Free Infinity Scarf Knitting Pattern | Working on Something Special continued...

Happy New Year everyone!  I had an absolute mare with that last infinity scarf pattern I posted: it started off really well, but then I kept making mistakes, and in the end it just started to look like a fishing net - so I gave up.  I'm sure Nancy Wyatt's original pattern, unadulterated and done using circular knitting needles would look just like the picture - and for that matter I'm sure the pattern I put up would have looked good if I hadn't been so ambitious to run before I could walk.

I didn't learn my lesson though.  I found another, similar lace scarf pattern that could be done on straight knitting needles.  I can't remember where I found this pattern, but it's really easy.

Lace Infinity Scarf Knitting Pattern

Start by casting on 58 stitches.

Row 1: Purl
Row 2: K3, *YO, K2, Slip1, K1, PSSO (pass slip stitch over), K2tog, K2, YO, K1* repeat from * until there's one stitch remaining for K1.
Row 3: Purl
Row 4: K2, *YO, K2, Slip1, K1, PSSO, K2tog, K2, YO, K1*, repeat from * until two stitches remain for K2.

Repeat this pattern until the scarf is the desired length and attach the two ends together, or keep it separate if you want a regular scarf.  Pretty simple really. Row 2 and 4 are practically the same except for the start and finish.

As this is only my second attempt at knitting, full stop. I have to confess that there are one or two holes that I need to weave in and disguise.  We can't all be perfect.  

Sorry Em, if you ever see this! It adds character.

I've actually completely run out of wool to finish this one, so I'm waiting on an order which, fingers crossed, will be the same midnight blue.  But while I wait I've started on another project, for myself this time.  Pictures and pattern will follow soon.